Here you find publications and reports that have been published by The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Primarily they are publications that are not available in an electronic way due to age.
Reduce energy costs by 30 % with better glass qualities as cover material in greenhouse
With the right combination of new glasses in the greenhouse, energy savings of up to 30% can be achieved. In a new construction, it is possible for a tomato production to …
Determination of the Nutrient Proportions for Beech, Fagus sylvatica L. (hämta)
Determination of the Nutrient Proportions for Beech, Fagus sylvatica L., Möller Nielsen, J. 1998. Examensarbete inom hortonomprogrammet. 1998:18. ISSN 1403-0993.
Förbränning av naturgas för CO2-produktion (download)
Förbränning av naturgas för CO2-produktion. Nilsson, A. 1992. Examensarbete i växthusteknik. Inst. f. lantmästar- och trädgårdsteknikerutbildning.