News from Cascada

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Buffertank and insulation

An entry is now added about the right insulation of the buffer tanks for heating systems. The heat loss from a buffer tank must be kept at a minimum, thus sufficient insulation is utterly important. Read more here.

Avoid being fined in Sweden - read this!

From 1 January 2016 there is a new law in Sweden that demands that the developer, for instance the gardener, has an electronic register with all the personel from the contractors. The staff has to log in and out when they enter or leave the construction site. The register must the available for the tax authorities for inspection at any moment. …

New Legislation in Sweden from 1 January 2016

From 1 Januari 2016 all building sites in Sweden must have electronic workers logg, where the workers logg in and out when they enter and leave the work area. It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the infrastructure exists for the logging, but it is the responsibility of the entrepreneur to make sure that the workers logg in and out of the system when they enter and leave the area. …

Reduce energy costs by 30% with better glass qualities as cover material for greenhouse

With the right combination of new glasses in the greenhouse, energy savings of up to 30% can be achieved. In a new construction, it is possible for a tomato production to improve the economic result with 400 SEK/m2 during a period of 10 years, if you chose modern glass instead of just continuing with standard float glass.

Read more here

Diffusive glass - this is what it looks like

Diffusive glass will scatter the direct radiation into a radiation that comes from several different directions. Compare it with a shower where the water comes in parallell in a new and clean disc, but is scattered in different directions when the shower has been used of a while. Diffusive radiation occurs during cloudy days and direct radiation occurs during clear days.

Cascada’s home page is now mobile friendly

From today the home page adapts to the screen that you are using, so that it will get an optimal layout wether you are using a computer or smartphone. This makes it easier for you to search information on Cascada’s home page when you are out of office, maybe in the greenhouse and quickly need to look something up.

Happy reading!

Limited availability in June

In June I will not be available as much as normal due to work with changing the roof. E-mail will be checked on a daily basis. In urgent matters please call on my cell phone +46 709 68 63 93.

Jonas Möller Nielsen

E-mail is working again 1 December 2015

The e-mail is now working again since 15:00 1 December 2015.

Happy New Year!

Jonas Möller Nielsen

E-mail is not working since 30 December

Currently incoming e-mail is not working. I do not know when it will start working again.

Happy New Year

Jonas Möller Nielsen

The municipality of Gothenburg has a tender process for a 500 m2 greenhouse

The municipality of Gothenburg has started a tender process for a 500 m2 saddle roof greenhouse, to be constructed during fall 2014. The delivery includes greenhouse, screens, assimilations lighting, tables, control computer, heating and electricity. The necessary documents can be found at with the head line "Lassegården 1 -Nybyggnation av växthus” and the ID 3729723. 

Safer chemical handling with Agrotop EasyFlow

Now there is an end to difficult and unsafe handling of chemicals within the horticultural sector, with the new Agrotop EasyFlow from Bayer, the use is safer, easier and more environmental friendly than before. Watch the movie and be impressed. Note at the end that the bottle is cleaned after wards - neat!

If you want to read more, here is the manufacturers

Home page now also in English!

From now on the home page will also be available in English. The content will not be completely the same as the on Swedish page, but most of the important information about activities, company information etc. will be available in English.

Webmaster Jonas Möller Nielsen - Copyright Cascada AB 2015