With the right combination of new glasses in the greenhouse, energy savings of up to 30% can be achieved. In a new construction, it is possible for a tomato production to improve the economic result with 400 SEK/m2 during a period of 10 years, if you chose modern glass instead of just continuing with standard float glass.
Several different glass coatings that traditionally have been used in the normal building sector where investigated theoretically, and the best alternatives from the perspectives of energy and plant, where chosen for an “ideal greenhouse”, that then was investigated considering needed heat power, energy use and total economy. The materials where chosen based on their energy efficiency and light transmission, and if the material had a reasonable price level. The chosen material for the roof of the ideal greenhouse was Pilkington K-glass, a float glass with a low emission coating (energy saving glass), that reflects back the heat radiation into the greenhouse. In the walls of the ideal greenhouse, glass cassettes where chosen where one side was coated with the low emission coating Pilkington OptiTherm.
Regardless the size of the greenhouse the energy use was reduced by 30 % when the newer glass materials were used, that is from 512 to 359 kWh/m2 for the lower house (1 000 m2) and from 455 to 318 kWh/m2 for the larger greenhouse (5 000 m2).
Read more in the fact sheet here.
The full report in Swedish can be downloaded here.